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My weekend SWOD (scaled WOD)


Hi all! Wanted to share the super-scaled workout I did yesterday. Let me clarify though, that even though it was a scaled version of the original, it still left me pretty breathless. 

Cash-in: 250 meter row 

21 dead lifts (95#)

15 pregnant burpees (basically you use a box, you jump down into a push-up position on it, then jump back up)

9 box dips 

Then 9 deadlifts

15 pregnant burpees

21 box dips 

Cash-out: 250 meter row

I’m feeling a little sad that I’m not training for any fall half marathons but on the other hand, I’m enjoying the extra rest 🙂 

I hope you all had a great weekend. Have an awesome/inspiring/blessed Monday! 



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